Inventory code nearing completion and new Artwork

You, and the door you need to escape through.

Currently in works:

  • Inventory code is nearing completion. Just working out a few bugs with how to actually draw items and properly update the screen.
    • I'm not sure if it's a GMS2 thing or I'm missing some crucial point but I've had to code in the inventory objects in the most convoluted way. This is because GMS2 won't just create an object into an array so it will only hold a value of an instance. Since I don't have many options I've had to create an object, then immediately reference it in the array, draw it (initially) on a hidden layer and then redraw it into the inventory. Also, for some reason GMS2 doesn't enjoy it when you make array locations in other objects into a variable and use that. There's another couple of hours gone...
  • A decent chunk of the interactive and required artwork has been done.
  • Coding next step is the interaction between items and picking items up out of inventory (I'm sure more headaches will ensue)

What is completed:

  • A fully animated Exit door which changes state as you complete puzzles to unlock it gradually
  • A lot of the main puzzzle items have been completed
  • Hover text code is complete apart from needing to figure out how to make it draw text on top of all layers

Thoughts: I'm glad I've set the puzzle limit fairly low as the code alone to make all this work is a real challenge first time around. So far I've been pretty happy with the implementation. Not a great deal of code has been 'hacked' in and stayed that way yet. Generally things are pretty clean and make sense.

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